Thursday, July 30, 2009

Family Potrait

The big Family of Direktorat Potensi, Kepatuhan dan Penerimaan Pajak potrait. Although it is not complete squad in PKP,. This picture taken when Mr. Aditya Wibisono's Farewell Party. Today at 12.00 PM. Ok let see...people who surround me from monday till friday.
"our spirit never die ......(wakakakakakakka)"
                                                 "Guess where am i ?^_______^V"

I'll store this picture in Facebook, coz almost of them have facebook account...hahahahahhaaha. That's why being public service is joyfull. and we can give comment each others.Hahahahah it will be funny.....!!!
By the way there was our big boss in this picture, can you guess it ^______^. one of  famous people in DGT, sometimes He invited be a keynotes in metro tv  tax programs and the others tv station.

sometimes a question more powerfull than answer

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Poker Fever

Mantap rek...dolanan siji iki...bisa membuat kita terlena...ooww kuterlena..(ikke nurjanah mode on) kalo lgai maen poker. 1stly gw ndak ngerti gimana cara mainnya yang kutahu sich  maen remi, omben, atau yang setan-setanan alias baceman. Ini gara-gara duo Maduranese kaka beradik Onyah dan Ophie mengajari permainan poker. Walasil gw jadi jago(oh yeaah...) sekarang..ayoook maen lagi sambil nongkrong dimana, pas kalo lagi bokek, gak usah keluar kemana-mana, maen poker aja kita, yang kalah dicoretin pake bedak, bedak bayi lagi..hehehehehe. untung gw gak terlalu sering kalahnya wakakakakakakka. yooh dikocok lagi bandar...bandar....mana kartunya..hahahehe

sometimes a question more powerfull than answer

Repeat After Me : Ini Budi....Budi (tidak jadi) bermain Bola

See you next year, if there's no "Fucking bomb" again in my country sir.
Absolutely dissapointed with this news. Fuck terrorism, why you doing this? give your rasional reason for Me, for us. Fisrty  a million mourning for the Ritz&JW marriot victims. God Bless you all, and for the goverment please doing the best that you can for giving punishment for "fucking terrorist".

Still remember about "3" advertise? oke childs repeat after me : ini budi....(Carrick, Rio, Park, Wayne, Edwin repeat togother : ini budi)  budi bermain bola (Carrick, Rio, Park, Wayne, Edwin repeat togother :Budi bermain bola ) then they are smile together. I like it, coz i'm one of Smudge in Indonesia. I have ticket Class II for friendly Match : Indonesia All Star Vs. Manchester United, and I've prepared my wardrobe for this Match. But all gone by the fucking bomb. At Friday 09.00 after playing badminton  I heard news about this tragedy, and dissapointment and sadness coming.

 Hope you coming next year Sir...We will be waiting for you.....

sometimes a question more powerfull than answer